You weren't supposed to like Stella's antics (although a lot of people strangely did😅expected some, but not this many...) But she gets a character arc in one of the next updates, which will push her story further. Maybe even giving Gina the option to take her down a peg or let the player choose a direction for her. But that's for later, next up is Jade/Xici.
Streets dialogue is a bug. Have to rework it, thanks for telling me.
[SPOILERS] Hehe! Love hearing feedback of any kind. I like to improve after all. And I find it charming that my characters can cause these kinds of emotions. (you are not alone in this 😏 My DMs on Discord were full of people wanting to discuss this)
But sorry, no way around her getting that potion.😅 I needed it for the story with Jade to happen after all, so Stella took one for the team by becoming this bitchy. No other girl would have gotten drunk on power like her and acted on her dominant side towards everyone she was jealous of.
But I'd say there was never any mortal danger for James. Just some scare tactics from our "little" prostitute, who can be very good at acting. Ok, she enjoyed it too 😆But she's not really evil! She wouldn't kill anyone!
Jade kinda has the power to turn every scene into a damn wholesome cuddle-party. I remember trying to write some perverted scenes with the nuns using her and see how that turned out. So currently I worry more about the integrity of my villains than about Jade 😂
Then again, I'm a "pesky mothaf-", so let's see how this plays out. 😈
Really anxious about your Jade muscle growth re-design considering the "preview files" i found in an older copy of your game's package contents, which kind of showed muscle Jade as basically looking more or less the same as Gina's body but with jade's face. I think the biggest issue I had was that it physically seemed to age up jade in mature ways that weren't really consistent with her "cute Sifu" type of vibe which I think you should still maintain at least appearance wise.
I'm still very much liking my idea for the new Jade to be primarily "leg focused" with a leaner upper body and also determined to someday land the ultimate kick which she will practice with Enzi a lot.
These old Files really are the bane of my existance 😅 If all goes by plan, you'll see Jade in all her new muscular glory in roughly 3 weeks.
We will try for a Focus on legs and core, while keeping shoulders and arms just slightly slimmer to keep a Part of her cute/girlish aesthetic. Of course her build has to look proportional to a degree, so still expect some mass on the upper body.
Yeah of course. Again, it's all about making each character look distinct. I mean look at Bayshore Academy one of your favorite FMG games of all time. Each character looks pretty different. Mia is generally smaller, shorter, and leaner relative to the other girls but still very muscular and has the most shredded body and relative to the Male MC she's still even with him in height and more muscular after her second growth spurt. Jessica is tall and has a large upper body but also has an enormous ass and huge legs. Elena is the biggest by far with both a huge upper and lower body and is very tall. Sophia has about the same muscle mass as Mia but huge boobs compared to everyone else. So yeah it pays off to have everyone look unique and distinct. I'm actually hoping that you will go the extra mile and make each muscular character look MORE distinct body-type wise compared to Bayshore academy. Fingers crossed!
Not sure.. I think I could use Paypal too on other Patreons. I could look into it, but for now just enjoy for free. Will only become relevant on the next update then.
Thank you! Honestly there are only four games on Patreon where I almost don't care about benefits and just want them to have my money. Yours is one of them. And btw yours is the only one with AI art.
In that case I'm very lucky, cause my benefits are honestly terrible 😅Not like I don't have any lofty ideas, but I always end up rather working on the game directly than making anything special for patreon.
Pretty much was like this till now. But since the last update I'm no longer a Solo-Dev. 😁Let's see if this goes faster with a little team. Also next update is planned to be split into smaller portions, so hopefully next small update is in January
You need the potion-set from Lucia, use it from the inventory and deliver the remaining potion to Stella after you'll ve done the Training Event with Stella and Jade.
Hi.. the item you need is the transfer potion. Did you use the potion set from your inventory? This should remove the basic set and leave only the transfer potion needed
Also I think you should introduce a new set of antagonists who are just straight up evil loose canons who are loyal to no one but themselves that Xixi might go to when she's desperate for more firepower. I'm thinking a couple of mad scientist black market doctors who are also a brother and sister to reflect a dark version of Gina and Greg. They use themselves as test subjects to inject illegal muscle growth drugs with monstrous side effects that mutate their bodies to look distorted, twisted, and purple and it warps their faces into looking demonic. These two could be the ones responsible for the creation of Xixi's executioner (who could then turn out to be just one of many manufactured executioner clones they created).
Even if you don't go with it fully, consider making some kind of a muscle duo of mad scientists who are just a dark "Chaotic Evil" reflection of Gina and Greg but ones that the Mafia turns to when they are desperate and you could build your own character profiles around that concept.
Well, you'll have to wait a bit for the next surprise 😏 Villain-Arc of Xicis lab ist about 2/3 written. Hope I'll get it out in January.
Some good ideas there, some might be in line with my plans, some might be written differently already. But I'm having a lot of fun writting Xicis and Jade currently.
Oh man. I really don't want Jade to turn to the dark side with XiXi. I was hoping Stella would slightly turn to the dark side and Gina would ask greg for an emergency Protein Shake to use on Jade. Wonder if the side effects of Xixi's lab will turn Jade evil.
I think in line with Xixi's drugs, you could make a case for them not necessarily bulking someone's arms up (because I want muscular jade to still look extremely distinct compared to Stella or Gina) but increasing muscle density a lot, in which jade's new look should reflect significantly a defined but compact upper body but a larger lower body with a focus on thicker more powerful legs for her kicking. Could even have a scene where Stella is talking smack to Jade about Stella still having much larger arms but Jade then mocks her through delivering a devastating kick that stops right in front of Stella's face but still knocks Stella over through sheer air pressure. That would be awesome.
Procedurally-generated art theft using a machine-learning algorithm as the thief tools. They all give off uncanny valley something fierce and look very same-y with other art theft using procedural generation as a medium to steal with.
I assume you mean the fight after the training scene with Jade?
If that's the case you need to find something to help start Stella's growth. Buy the potion-set from Lucia and use it in the inventory. Only the transfer potion remains, which you deliver to Stella at the brothel then
It's in Korean but just look at the girls. It literally has Characters with a "Gina" and "Stella" build, as well as two other characters I could see you going for with a Jade and Aline build. Perfect example of diverse but still sexy muscular female body types which keep things interesting.
Amazing job with Gina ripping out of her suit. Super sexy stuff. Would love to see more of that in the future. Must be hard to do with AI art as well.
Also the Light Novel translation shit with Akari is spot on as I'm definitely "that kind of person" when it comes to web novel translations on eventually becoming anime haha.
I also want to ask, are there any tradeoffs to training alone versus training with Jade or Aline or Greg? Seems to me that there should be positives/negatives for training only gina vs training with friends. Or at least something different between stat gains for gina vs stat gains for the other girls to differentiate the choices.
No, currently training alone is inferior. There are plans to add some kind of extreme work-out that's impossible for anyone but Gina, that will make Solo-Training viable again, but maybe with a cooldown
Now that I think about it is Aline the tallest of the four girls?
I'm still torn on how I think Aline should look by the end. Clearly I want her build to have distinguishing characteristics that are different from Stella, since they are both blondes, and with the same bodybuilding frame would suffer from looking too similar. I think your new AI assistants can help by maybe introducing new character models that highlight each girl's full frame (including the legs) more so we can really see the difference in muscle mass distribution (bigger upper body vs bigger lower body, bulk vs shredded etc)
Also I really want Stella vs Jade+Aline to become hard core "frenemies." Passive aggressive hostile girl dialogue between Stella against the both of them. I'd love it.
Also I know you make a lot of comments on strong characters with lots of muscle but terrible form. It should be a running Joke for Stella, despite being the beefiest for now to have consistently terrible form since she's lazy when it comes to following Gina's instructions. So when Jade gets more muscular, she'll still be able to outlift Stella partially due to better form.
After getting drained, I think a cool romance+sidequest option with Mike is Gina becoming his new teacher to get his strength back to what it was in terms of his early story baseline, since Mike is weaker than even base level Aline now. As part of the Mike romance arc, Gina can give him instructions on better technique, boss him around but also train with him to help him get back his strength, ending with a romance scene near the end.
I like that one. I'll write an event with that as a topic. (Not that Gina would know a lot more about technique than Mike.. but he would still love to have her around as a trainer)
Hi, little button top-right with the !/? is your quest-log. Check there if all requirements are met. The green "?" are clickable to give hints on how to complete those quests.
If all requirements are checked growth should happen over the next night. If not, pls write me again and I`ll look into it.
Depends which dialogue.. she complains more than once. But Catherine is not required to progress currently. This is more a bit of foreshadowing for things to come.
She will be available again after the growth-events have all been handled. Post directly below should give hints on how to complete it. Unless you haven't seen the Yuri-Scene yet. Then you need to buy the potions at Lucias and bring the remaining one to Stella to start the growth events.
So if you had the Mike x Stella scene you have done everything possible on the Stella-route for now. She should come to the gym on her own once these two events are completed:
You must have learned the second special move from Jade (Ginpsey Roll) requiring Skill Lvl 4
You must have seen the second training event between Aline and Jade (Train together with Aline, do "exploration" in town until the event happens)
From there the story contiues with her and Jade more or less on it's own. Watch a few scenes with Stella happening and then the final "training together" event of the update becomes available.
After the dream with the amazons Gina can choose her main personality. Check the quest menu top right (!/? Icon) for hints on how to complete the quests. (? are clickable for hints)
Nope, wasn't possible with the variables. We sadly needed to expand some arrays. Chapter-Select will bring you to the point where the last update ended though.
Also sad at all the Patreon users hating on the Greg route you posted. However, I would also vote for Aline and Jade though and I was the one who originally suggested you make Gina Bisexual so let's just say I'm extremely liberal with regards to possible romance routes. However I can clearly tell that your other Patreon supporters don't play a lot of Japanese Visual Novels as Brother-Sister Shenanigans are SUPER common in that genre. It's even a tag on VNDB (visual novel database).
Regardless, as the prime votes are for female on female action, I'm not that picky and am excited to see Gina x Aline or Gina x Jade. Gina x Stella I'm not as into now as I'm still pouting like a petty child over Stella taking shortcuts with her growth.
Well, a few of my favorite FMG-stories had sibling-relationships too 😅That's why I was open to the idea and put him up to the vote. Even dropped a few hints already. But for now we focus on the girls I think and let's see what the future brings.
I just saw your post on the new assistants working with you on the XiXi and Jade storyline. I know you must be super annoyed at me by this point but once again, please make sure to work well with your new assistants and get Jade's muscular form right. Kind of a lean, shredded upper body with a lot less mass and bulk than Stella or Gina, but with a good focus on strong muscular legs and calves, with a more pro-fighter/MMA look. Jade's goal in life is to get strong enough to land the ultimate kick that could bring even a powered up Gina to her knees if it landed with perfect technique. I even think aspiring to get strong enough to land the ultimate kick should be Jade's theme from now on.
I think Aline should have a build that is in between Jade and Stella. So less massive than Stella, but slightly bulkier upper body than Jade. Very well rounded like a crossfit athlete. The most well rounded and balanced of them all. Strong solid core, and moderately sized arms, and relatively thick legs.
Like I keep saying, with regards to each girl's muscle growth, make their body type diverse. So it's cool that for Stella you're going for the bulky wide powerlifter build. Jade should probably be the more leaner shredded build for MMA and speed, like a sleeper build and Aline should ideally be somewhere in the middle of those two like a crossfit build. I think googling various female body musculature as it pertains to different sports: MMA, crossfit, bodybuilding, kickboxing, powerlifting, weightlifting can help you get an idea of the diverse body types you should go for with each girl. I still very much want this to be a thing so I keep reminding you of it.
Here is a great frame of reference. It's a korean webtoon comic called Muscle Gurl's Colleseum. It is still in korean, but every girl you see is super muscular but very different body types:
I think with Jade you should either go for the Chinese Girl in Chapter 2 or the Dark haired girl in chapter 1. The Lean MMA body type.
Hi, sry for the late reply. Talk to Mike, exhaust all dialogue, visit the brothel a few times and exhaust all of Stella's dialogue. She should join your fighter-team soon after.
You need to have Stella join the gym (by defeating the first boss at the Streets of Rage), then do Stella's first training session together with Gina. After that Greg should have a new dialogue-option about sharing those shakes.
Its not everyday you find an AVN tailored to a more... unique... fetish (fmg in this case) AND is overall pretty good. Usually people tend to focus more on the unique part and less on the actual game. But this one didn't seem to do that. It instead made each part pretty great.
Short Version: It has a pretty good story that reminds me of a Yakuza game for some reason. (But with a female protagonist) Pretty good characters so far with each one being completely different to the others and having completely different personalities. It also has that touch of mystery I seem to enjoy so much. It even has combat which was the best I've seen in a Ren'Py game so far. I'm honestly impressed the dev managed that as most struggle to bend Ren'Py to their will. Oh, it also uses AI images and they're not too bad, little bit funny here and there, but nothing too major (plus there's a re-design coming up so whatever)
Longer Version:
The story is basically the plot of a Yakuza game, at least I think it is. Woman who was living a simple life gets asked for help by her brother to help save the family gym from being shut down. In the process she (basically) becomes insane and creates 2 imaginary friends who help her along the way (A shoulder angel and shoulder demon), meets a pretty varied cast of characters with quite a few of them being total goofballs, and ends up getting involved with the Mafia. There's also a lot of comedic moments thrown throughout which only fuels my "this is similar to a Yakuza game" mindset. And I like it!
The characters are pretty good too. Gina is the protag who is pretty intelligent, most of the time. Most of her personality is up to the player to decide, but I believe her default is "Kind, caring, composed, sometimes a little bit rude." I don't want to say too much more about the characters since most of it's actually revealed through your interactions with them, but I can give a small description. Mike - Small rude gym guy, Enzi - Medium gym guy wearing a loincloth, Jonathan - Big gym guy who's weirdly polite, Greg - MASSIVE gym guy who's also your brother and Xici - some white haired girl. Each one drastically different than the other and having their own unique motivators for what they do.
Can't talk about the touch of mystery as that'd kinda ruin it.
The combat arrives about 60% to 75% of the way through the game's current content (V 0.2) But it's surprisingly well made for a Ren'Py game! It's kind of styled like an older JRPG, like the original FF7 for instance. 3 party members, items, abilities, and ally commands. Little confusing at first, but I instantly figured it out in my first fight. It also requires a bit of strategy too, so I'd say the current fights are quite balanced.
My only problem with the game would have to be the silence. No music, no sounds. So I'd recommend letting your own music run in the background or ignoring the silence until some gets made/put in. Other than that, even if you aren't into fmg (the unique fetish in question) I bet you'd still enjoy the game. I'm interested to see where this goes, so it's got my approval!
← Return to game
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Just saw the second boss and I love it. Huge fan of those games, lovely reference.
This update has already been pretty great but that just made it even better lmao. Great game so far, love it.
Great update! Lots to discover in this version with events popping up when you least expect them. It encourages exploration!
Good work!
best fmg game i ever played
just keep making Gina bigger!i like her
Love it, great idea and passing
i can't wait to see Stella becoming more aggressive in her approaches <3
You weren't supposed to like Stella's antics (although a lot of people strangely did😅expected some, but not this many...) But she gets a character arc in one of the next updates, which will push her story further. Maybe even giving Gina the option to take her down a peg or let the player choose a direction for her. But that's for later, next up is Jade/Xici.
Streets dialogue is a bug. Have to rework it, thanks for telling me.
[SPOILERS] Hehe! Love hearing feedback of any kind. I like to improve after all. And I find it charming that my characters can cause these kinds of emotions. (you are not alone in this 😏 My DMs on Discord were full of people wanting to discuss this)
But sorry, no way around her getting that potion.😅 I needed it for the story with Jade to happen after all, so Stella took one for the team by becoming this bitchy. No other girl would have gotten drunk on power like her and acted on her dominant side towards everyone she was jealous of.
But I'd say there was never any mortal danger for James. Just some scare tactics from our "little" prostitute, who can be very good at acting. Ok, she enjoyed it too 😆But she's not really evil! She wouldn't kill anyone!
Ngl, I got 3 "you pesky mothaf-" moments, mostly on this update's end, you better behave with Jade I swear to God
Jade kinda has the power to turn every scene into a damn wholesome cuddle-party. I remember trying to write some perverted scenes with the nuns using her and see how that turned out. So currently I worry more about the integrity of my villains than about Jade 😂
Then again, I'm a "pesky mothaf-", so let's see how this plays out. 😈
You just fed my fears 😖😖😖
Really anxious about your Jade muscle growth re-design considering the "preview files" i found in an older copy of your game's package contents, which kind of showed muscle Jade as basically looking more or less the same as Gina's body but with jade's face. I think the biggest issue I had was that it physically seemed to age up jade in mature ways that weren't really consistent with her "cute Sifu" type of vibe which I think you should still maintain at least appearance wise.
I'm still very much liking my idea for the new Jade to be primarily "leg focused" with a leaner upper body and also determined to someday land the ultimate kick which she will practice with Enzi a lot.
These old Files really are the bane of my existance 😅 If all goes by plan, you'll see Jade in all her new muscular glory in roughly 3 weeks.
We will try for a Focus on legs and core, while keeping shoulders and arms just slightly slimmer to keep a Part of her cute/girlish aesthetic. Of course her build has to look proportional to a degree, so still expect some mass on the upper body.
Yeah of course. Again, it's all about making each character look distinct. I mean look at Bayshore Academy one of your favorite FMG games of all time. Each character looks pretty different. Mia is generally smaller, shorter, and leaner relative to the other girls but still very muscular and has the most shredded body and relative to the Male MC she's still even with him in height and more muscular after her second growth spurt. Jessica is tall and has a large upper body but also has an enormous ass and huge legs. Elena is the biggest by far with both a huge upper and lower body and is very tall. Sophia has about the same muscle mass as Mia but huge boobs compared to everyone else. So yeah it pays off to have everyone look unique and distinct. I'm actually hoping that you will go the extra mile and make each muscular character look MORE distinct body-type wise compared to Bayshore academy. Fingers crossed!
Hello. Patreon stopped accepting all of my cards. Any other way to donate?
Not sure.. I think I could use Paypal too on other Patreons. I could look into it, but for now just enjoy for free. Will only become relevant on the next update then.
Thank you! Honestly there are only four games on Patreon where I almost don't care about benefits and just want them to have my money. Yours is one of them. And btw yours is the only one with AI art.
In that case I'm very lucky, cause my benefits are honestly terrible 😅Not like I don't have any lofty ideas, but I always end up rather working on the game directly than making anything special for patreon.
Seeing how the dev log is, I'm guessing 3 months per update
Pretty much was like this till now. But since the last update I'm no longer a Solo-Dev. 😁Let's see if this goes faster with a little team. Also next update is planned to be split into smaller portions, so hopefully next small update is in January
How do i help Stella to grow?
I should start making a FAQ 😅
You need the potion-set from Lucia, use it from the inventory and deliver the remaining potion to Stella after you'll ve done the Training Event with Stella and Jade.
Uhh, what about Jade then =)
That is on the next update..
Very excited about Gina's growth (especially her breasts) and the new artwork great job!
Hope Gina will be a very big girl in the future :)
Thanks. I think she will 😏 But she's been hogging the growth for quite a while. Let the other girls catch up a bit.
I agree and it's great!
I think as a dominant personality Gina should be bigger than the other girls
Why only on dominant? 😁 I love writing dominant Gina, but gentle giantess Gina shouldn't be smaller than the other girls.
Hi.. the item you need is the transfer potion. Did you use the potion set from your inventory? This should remove the basic set and leave only the transfer potion needed
Imagine if it was Xici that got the transfer potion and used it on the executioner...
Also I think you should introduce a new set of antagonists who are just straight up evil loose canons who are loyal to no one but themselves that Xixi might go to when she's desperate for more firepower. I'm thinking a couple of mad scientist black market doctors who are also a brother and sister to reflect a dark version of Gina and Greg. They use themselves as test subjects to inject illegal muscle growth drugs with monstrous side effects that mutate their bodies to look distorted, twisted, and purple and it warps their faces into looking demonic. These two could be the ones responsible for the creation of Xixi's executioner (who could then turn out to be just one of many manufactured executioner clones they created).
Even if you don't go with it fully, consider making some kind of a muscle duo of mad scientists who are just a dark "Chaotic Evil" reflection of Gina and Greg but ones that the Mafia turns to when they are desperate and you could build your own character profiles around that concept.
Well, you'll have to wait a bit for the next surprise 😏 Villain-Arc of Xicis lab ist about 2/3 written. Hope I'll get it out in January.
Some good ideas there, some might be in line with my plans, some might be written differently already. But I'm having a lot of fun writting Xicis and Jade currently.
Oh man. I really don't want Jade to turn to the dark side with XiXi. I was hoping Stella would slightly turn to the dark side and Gina would ask greg for an emergency Protein Shake to use on Jade. Wonder if the side effects of Xixi's lab will turn Jade evil.
I think in line with Xixi's drugs, you could make a case for them not necessarily bulking someone's arms up (because I want muscular jade to still look extremely distinct compared to Stella or Gina) but increasing muscle density a lot, in which jade's new look should reflect significantly a defined but compact upper body but a larger lower body with a focus on thicker more powerful legs for her kicking. Could even have a scene where Stella is talking smack to Jade about Stella still having much larger arms but Jade then mocks her through delivering a devastating kick that stops right in front of Stella's face but still knocks Stella over through sheer air pressure. That would be awesome.
Procedurally-generated art theft using a machine-learning algorithm as the thief tools. They all give off uncanny valley something fierce and look very same-y with other art theft using procedural generation as a medium to steal with.
the amount of ai art in this game hurts
How do you talk with Stella after the fight
I assume you mean the fight after the training scene with Jade?
If that's the case you need to find something to help start Stella's growth. Buy the potion-set from Lucia and use it in the inventory. Only the transfer potion remains, which you deliver to Stella at the brothel then
thanks man
No spoilers but the current update ending makes me want to murder a certain gremlin
Okay, actual last comment for the day but I can't recommend this Muscle Girl Fighter comic enough:
It's in Korean but just look at the girls. It literally has Characters with a "Gina" and "Stella" build, as well as two other characters I could see you going for with a Jade and Aline build. Perfect example of diverse but still sexy muscular female body types which keep things interesting.
Amazing job with Gina ripping out of her suit. Super sexy stuff. Would love to see more of that in the future. Must be hard to do with AI art as well.
Also the Light Novel translation shit with Akari is spot on as I'm definitely "that kind of person" when it comes to web novel translations on eventually becoming anime haha.
I also want to ask, are there any tradeoffs to training alone versus training with Jade or Aline or Greg? Seems to me that there should be positives/negatives for training only gina vs training with friends. Or at least something different between stat gains for gina vs stat gains for the other girls to differentiate the choices.
No, currently training alone is inferior. There are plans to add some kind of extreme work-out that's impossible for anyone but Gina, that will make Solo-Training viable again, but maybe with a cooldown
Now that I think about it is Aline the tallest of the four girls?
I'm still torn on how I think Aline should look by the end. Clearly I want her build to have distinguishing characteristics that are different from Stella, since they are both blondes, and with the same bodybuilding frame would suffer from looking too similar. I think your new AI assistants can help by maybe introducing new character models that highlight each girl's full frame (including the legs) more so we can really see the difference in muscle mass distribution (bigger upper body vs bigger lower body, bulk vs shredded etc)
Also I really want Stella vs Jade+Aline to become hard core "frenemies." Passive aggressive hostile girl dialogue between Stella against the both of them. I'd love it.
Also I know you make a lot of comments on strong characters with lots of muscle but terrible form. It should be a running Joke for Stella, despite being the beefiest for now to have consistently terrible form since she's lazy when it comes to following Gina's instructions. So when Jade gets more muscular, she'll still be able to outlift Stella partially due to better form.
Stella might have a spiritual journey ahead of her. This will see some interactions with Aline and Akari, who might be less understanding than Gina.
After getting drained, I think a cool romance+sidequest option with Mike is Gina becoming his new teacher to get his strength back to what it was in terms of his early story baseline, since Mike is weaker than even base level Aline now. As part of the Mike romance arc, Gina can give him instructions on better technique, boss him around but also train with him to help him get back his strength, ending with a romance scene near the end.
I like that one. I'll write an event with that as a topic. (Not that Gina would know a lot more about technique than Mike.. but he would still love to have her around as a trainer)
how do you get Greg to talk about the recipe for the girls
He will talk about it once you have Stella at the gym and done a training session together with her.
how to get Aline to show up?
never mind found her
My Gina stuck on level 2 strength for quite a while. Did I do something wrong? And I play on my phone.
Hi, little button top-right with the !/? is your quest-log. Check there if all requirements are met. The green "?" are clickable to give hints on how to complete those quests.
If all requirements are checked growth should happen over the next night. If not, pls write me again and I`ll look into it.
Oh okay, I got it. It just feels bizarre compared to other fmg game where you grow immediately after the threshold is reached
Catherine tells me that Stella is angry. What I do?
Depends which dialogue.. she complains more than once. But Catherine is not required to progress currently. This is more a bit of foreshadowing for things to come.
What can he do to be able to talk to Stella?
She will be available again after the growth-events have all been handled. Post directly below should give hints on how to complete it.
Unless you haven't seen the Yuri-Scene yet. Then you need to buy the potions at Lucias and bring the remaining one to Stella to start the growth events.
Is Stella stuck in the brothel after her scene with Mike? I can't seem to do anything to get her back to fight with the boss.
So if you had the Mike x Stella scene you have done everything possible on the Stella-route for now. She should come to the gym on her own once these two events are completed:
From there the story contiues with her and Jade more or less on it's own. Watch a few scenes with Stella happening and then the final "training together" event of the update becomes available.
How do I get Gina's main personality?
After the dream with the amazons Gina can choose her main personality. Check the quest menu top right (!/? Icon) for hints on how to complete the quests. (? are clickable for hints)
How do I get Stella to come to the gym?
Take down the first boss at the Streets of Rage. She will join the gym afterwards.
Nope, wasn't possible with the variables. We sadly needed to expand some arrays. Chapter-Select will bring you to the point where the last update ended though.
Also sad at all the Patreon users hating on the Greg route you posted. However, I would also vote for Aline and Jade though and I was the one who originally suggested you make Gina Bisexual so let's just say I'm extremely liberal with regards to possible romance routes. However I can clearly tell that your other Patreon supporters don't play a lot of Japanese Visual Novels as Brother-Sister Shenanigans are SUPER common in that genre. It's even a tag on VNDB (visual novel database).
Regardless, as the prime votes are for female on female action, I'm not that picky and am excited to see Gina x Aline or Gina x Jade. Gina x Stella I'm not as into now as I'm still pouting like a petty child over Stella taking shortcuts with her growth.
Well, a few of my favorite FMG-stories had sibling-relationships too 😅That's why I was open to the idea and put him up to the vote. Even dropped a few hints already. But for now we focus on the girls I think and let's see what the future brings.
I just saw your post on the new assistants working with you on the XiXi and Jade storyline. I know you must be super annoyed at me by this point but once again, please make sure to work well with your new assistants and get Jade's muscular form right. Kind of a lean, shredded upper body with a lot less mass and bulk than Stella or Gina, but with a good focus on strong muscular legs and calves, with a more pro-fighter/MMA look. Jade's goal in life is to get strong enough to land the ultimate kick that could bring even a powered up Gina to her knees if it landed with perfect technique. I even think aspiring to get strong enough to land the ultimate kick should be Jade's theme from now on.
I think Aline should have a build that is in between Jade and Stella. So less massive than Stella, but slightly bulkier upper body than Jade. Very well rounded like a crossfit athlete. The most well rounded and balanced of them all. Strong solid core, and moderately sized arms, and relatively thick legs.
I'm not annoyed 😅 Can't say this often enough. Let's see what we can get done on that, cause I like your concept there.
when is the next update for free ver?
Start of January, probably on the 2.
Well, today is 2 January...
And it still is around here 😁 Compiling just now
Like I keep saying, with regards to each girl's muscle growth, make their body type diverse. So it's cool that for Stella you're going for the bulky wide powerlifter build. Jade should probably be the more leaner shredded build for MMA and speed, like a sleeper build and Aline should ideally be somewhere in the middle of those two like a crossfit build. I think googling various female body musculature as it pertains to different sports: MMA, crossfit, bodybuilding, kickboxing, powerlifting, weightlifting can help you get an idea of the diverse body types you should go for with each girl. I still very much want this to be a thing so I keep reminding you of it.
Worry not, I shall not forget your sage advice. Let me surprise you again, as next update will see the start of Jade and Aline's growth.
Here is a great frame of reference. It's a korean webtoon comic called Muscle Gurl's Colleseum. It is still in korean, but every girl you see is super muscular but very different body types:
I think with Jade you should either go for the Chinese Girl in Chapter 2 or the Dark haired girl in chapter 1. The Lean MMA body type.
How do i recruit Stella as a fighter?
Hi, sry for the late reply. Talk to Mike, exhaust all dialogue, visit the brothel a few times and exhaust all of Stella's dialogue. She should join your fighter-team soon after.
Thanks, what about the quest: Talk to Greg about sharing his recipes to the girls?
You need to have Stella join the gym (by defeating the first boss at the Streets of Rage), then do Stella's first training session together with Gina. After that Greg should have a new dialogue-option about sharing those shakes.
Its not everyday you find an AVN tailored to a more... unique... fetish (fmg in this case) AND is overall pretty good. Usually people tend to focus more on the unique part and less on the actual game. But this one didn't seem to do that. It instead made each part pretty great.
Short Version: It has a pretty good story that reminds me of a Yakuza game for some reason. (But with a female protagonist) Pretty good characters so far with each one being completely different to the others and having completely different personalities. It also has that touch of mystery I seem to enjoy so much. It even has combat which was the best I've seen in a Ren'Py game so far. I'm honestly impressed the dev managed that as most struggle to bend Ren'Py to their will. Oh, it also uses AI images and they're not too bad, little bit funny here and there, but nothing too major (plus there's a re-design coming up so whatever)
Longer Version:
The story is basically the plot of a Yakuza game, at least I think it is. Woman who was living a simple life gets asked for help by her brother to help save the family gym from being shut down. In the process she (basically) becomes insane and creates 2 imaginary friends who help her along the way (A shoulder angel and shoulder demon), meets a pretty varied cast of characters with quite a few of them being total goofballs, and ends up getting involved with the Mafia. There's also a lot of comedic moments thrown throughout which only fuels my "this is similar to a Yakuza game" mindset. And I like it!
The characters are pretty good too. Gina is the protag who is pretty intelligent, most of the time. Most of her personality is up to the player to decide, but I believe her default is "Kind, caring, composed, sometimes a little bit rude." I don't want to say too much more about the characters since most of it's actually revealed through your interactions with them, but I can give a small description. Mike - Small rude gym guy, Enzi - Medium gym guy wearing a loincloth, Jonathan - Big gym guy who's weirdly polite, Greg - MASSIVE gym guy who's also your brother and Xici - some white haired girl. Each one drastically different than the other and having their own unique motivators for what they do.
Can't talk about the touch of mystery as that'd kinda ruin it.
The combat arrives about 60% to 75% of the way through the game's current content (V 0.2) But it's surprisingly well made for a Ren'Py game! It's kind of styled like an older JRPG, like the original FF7 for instance. 3 party members, items, abilities, and ally commands. Little confusing at first, but I instantly figured it out in my first fight. It also requires a bit of strategy too, so I'd say the current fights are quite balanced.
My only problem with the game would have to be the silence. No music, no sounds. So I'd recommend letting your own music run in the background or ignoring the silence until some gets made/put in. Other than that, even if you aren't into fmg (the unique fetish in question) I bet you'd still enjoy the game. I'm interested to see where this goes, so it's got my approval!