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(1 edit)

So the 2 sex scenes till now are Stella draining mike and muscke mommy (literally)



Ohh mighty Don

how many more days for public release ?!


Probably on Wednesday

Hi! Game looks great, but I am stuck... I am Strength level 1, my progress is over the required 16, but days pass and I don't level up. Should I do something? I see there's no sleep button, you just sleep automatically. I need help :(


Hey, I assume you are missing one quest goal for the next growth stage. Game is very story focused and every growth level needs certain quests in the world checked (so the story continues to make sense).

I assume your quest-log looks like this. Check the !/? button on the top right corner of the screen to get there.  Once all quests are completed, Gina gets to her next size.

I feel so dumb now, that was it. Thank you for the help! It all makes sense now. And once again, game is great!


No no, that is a common mistake I had many players ask me about ๐Ÿ˜… I might change the character screen a bit to help players find the questlog more easily.

And glad you like it so far and many thanks for the kind words.


why is the soundtrack so good????


Not bad, considering we didn't have any sound just a few versions ago, eh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

AI music gen has come a long way, even if it takes some time and prompt refining. I'll be sure to send this comment to Nyx, who created most of our songs.

(3 edits)

I dont remember where but ive already seen a pic of Gina level 6 and HOLY SHIT youve outdone yourselfes

She is BEEEG

Poor Greg will have a heartattack

Greg better be prepared to be overtaken soon ๐Ÿ˜

Im curious on how many muscle levels you plan to implement. I do hope that there will still be plenty more after we surpass Tanya

Honestly not sure. I'd rather give this a kickass ending before the game drags on forever and gets bland. At least to me it feels like our most interesting aspect is the story and the characters acting inside said story, so once the main story would be completed one of the things that makes our game unique would be missing.

Welp, not sure if I can let go of Gina though ๐Ÿ˜… But if I end this game and start on another, it'd be sure to not take years to get to the big sizes again.

(1 edit)

yo i swear to god no matter what i do, i can't beat the first boss in the streets of rage. am i missing something?

Hey, depends if your problem is preparation or execution ๐Ÿ˜…

As for preparation: Gina should be at Skill Level 2. You need the G-Force Gale or the fight is a ton harder. At least one health and mana potion is recommended, so you need to lose at least once and then you can buy potions at Akari's shop. You can also increase your HP and Stamina maximum by doing guided dreams with Esmeralda.

As for tactics: The assassin is your priority. He can't be allowed to pummel Gina repeatedly. The easiest way to deal with him is probably swapping him with the thug on the left. The boss uses special skills every second turn, but a stun from a block break will also prevent those skills to activate. Check the Tutorial button infight if any of those terms sounded unfamiliar.

And of course, there is an easy mode if you're not on that already. Difficulty can be changed even mid-game in the preference menu.

Hey did you ever consider to add a cheat menu ?

in case a player made a mistake with a choice and locked some characters out of certain romances or if the player missed some evebt or what not ? Could also help players who struggle with the hard combat.


For missed events we have a different concept in mind which will probably be included in the Update 6.2. Currently no cheat menu planned

aww sadge


Gotta say this is suorisingly well written and packed for a fetish game. A fresh breath of air from all those games that stop getting updates after 6 months.

I also really enjoy the story, though my only gripe is that i dont like the "serum only works as intendet for women" thing,  i just wish that we atleast get to a atory point where the doc manages to make it work for males too.

Dunno, just dont like the "amazonian ruled world with superior females" trope, is a bit generic and i dont liek stories like that in general. However the rest of the story is pretty great, just would be cool to have the ability to grow the dudes too with a new version of the serum.


I hope at some point in the story atleast.

I need both buff Mommys and buff guys

Yeah honestly have to agree, thats also my only real grype


It's a well explored trope for a reason ๐Ÿ˜And while some players would appreciate the guys growing, the majority is here for the girls.

But I don't want this to be the only path. The doctor is trying after all and in the end I want Gina to play a major role in how this all resolves (my Gina is always kind, so she would share with guys if given the option ๐Ÿ˜‡)

(1 edit)


honestly im tired of thst trope because it feels so cheap and in general i really hate the idea of a society ruled by 1 gender, we had that in history and it was one of the worst things to happen.

Though i still demand Amazon Queen Gina, the gentle giant bigger than everyone else

i have Stellas affection at 2.5, i know the max is 3.5

Am i screwed if i wanted to go her romance route ?

Also would be cool to have an option of having multple romances at the same time, or 1 big or soemthing like that in the future


Noo, you are allowed to miss a few points and still be able to catch up ๐Ÿ˜…

As for multiple routes, talk about the ring to Greg at the trial ๐Ÿ˜‰

Deleted 7 days ago

So have to wait for the next update with the trial to go public ?

I mean... there would in theory be a way to support the project and play now... purely hypothetical of course ๐Ÿ˜…

But public release is in roughly a week, so this works as well.

im broke


Oki ๐Ÿ˜”

Guess then in a week ๐Ÿ˜‰ We release for free for a reason. While a few patrons are required to pay for ongoing costs and keep the project alive, we still want everyone to be able to enjoy our game after all.

Hey quick question

if i install the new update that will release soon, can i cary over my saves ?

Ohh also very important problem i have, Greg is hospitalized rn but i still havent asked him about sharing the secret recipe


That is bad timing ๐Ÿ˜“He will return after 2 weeks though, so the quest can be completed. Might add an option to ask him about the shakes in hospital in the future to prevent this block.

Deleted 10 days ago

Is it also normal that at one point the dojo just vanishes from the map ?


If you entered the last part of act 2 (when Jade is away for a while), then yes. Gina still gets there to train the kids, but otherwise dojo is inaccessible for the time being.


Yes, savegames from update 6 are compatible with 6.1 (and most probably with update 7 too... I hope...)

Help Executioner is hot


Need Gina as wife

Also i have a theory that the Executioner is in secret Gina's mom.

maybe ? Who knows

That's why she was wearing a mask ๐Ÿ˜…

I honestly had that thought and kept my options open through the character design, but I quickly decided against it... the follow up would have been horrible and would have disrupted the rest of the story majorly.

Aww shucks

I dont know how the story would have been disrupted since im not the one making it, but gotta admit The executioner being Ginas mom would have been much more interessting and shocking, there could have been something with brainwashing or memory whipe or what not.

Anyways, cant wait for Gina to outgrow her and everyone else and kick her ass

A few reasons I'd say, but the most important one being the current contrast of high- to low intensity episodes that make up the gameplay.

As an example: The moment Gina learned that Jade was a prisoner of the Genovannos, everything else instantly lost relevance. No training, no other story elements, certainly no romance... the one and only thing that counted was getting Jade out despite any risks involved. The same would be true if Gina leaned that her own mother was killing people in under Genovanno command. A threat or personal story arc like this would blend out all other things I still want Gina to do.
To fix this I would have to give a reason to Gina to not pursue this, for example, her mom being in full control of her senses and has chosen this path, etc. but nothing felt right. And there is ofc. the whole suspension of belief thing too ๐Ÿ˜…

(1 edit)

you could also do it somewhere close to the ending, or you could make a chapter that focuses on this and uncovering what happened with the mom. This way you wouldnโ€™t have to rush the reveal and consequences.

Think of it as a detective chapter, maybe even with the chance to redeem or at least change her a bit.

Or you just go for the Amazonian Chosen Warrior Goddess Gina beating the shit out of now comparatively tiny executioner 

Deleted 8 days ago

When will the new update be published? 

I love the work you and your team have put into the game, it is a fantastic game that have come out of the work you and your team have made. 

I really appreciated the work you and your team have put into the game.

Thanks in advance for your answer


Many thanks, happy you enjoyed it.

Update 6.1 went live for Patrons a few days ago and will be public in roughly 2 weeks.
Update 6.2 will take a while (only started with it recently ๐Ÿ˜…)

Thanks for your answer i really look forward to the new update


Just finished the last update yesterday (V7.0.20). Fantastic work as usual.

I had a weird bug with the FIRST fight against the two dancers, the special one before you unlock them as common enemies. First they would be positioned before Stella and Akari, with noone in front of Gina.
Then after the first turn the male dancer moves in front of Gina, but Gina's and Stella's attacks would be skipped and when the dancers attack the sprites of the girls are shown instead of their, misaligned and with the wrong scale.
After beating one dancer all the attacks are skipped, fortunately the Mp bar was building up one point per turn and I could finish the fight using AG&DG magic attack.
The bug is repeatable, so I might be able to fill more information, especially if I can be pointed towards what to do to help. I play on a Debian linux Distro.

Bug report is out, so now I can gush, very very spoilerrific gushing, so beware!
The music is nice, maybe giving the choice to the player on the genre might mean that it is more difficult to use it to further empower the game personality.

Gina level 5 is massive, the glimpse at the end of the last update really didn't make me realize just how much she grew!

Aline look absolutely gorgeous after her stay with Diane, doubly so in her black dress that now is practically painted on her!
I wished she had a bigger part during the assault to the Velvet Touch, as shy as she is I think she would not hesitate to put her new muscles to use to protect the other girls, but maybe there was just not the space to put extra scenes on a scene that was mostly about Cath and Emi.

Rose's growth is also great and the scene with her husband absolutely steamy.

I'm still amazed at the writing quality, it seriously can trade blows with mainstream, non fetish titles. Hell one of the reasons I was so late in playing this update was because i replayed Fire Emblem Engage this winter and Gina's Gym has definitely the better plot progression and character writing between the two!

I really liked the handling of Jade's inner turmoil after hurting the thugs, it really felt in character and neatly tied to the overarching narrative.

Another highlight for me was the encounter between Gina and Xici. The white haired gremlin is definitely one of my favorite characters (it helps that the nemesis with a deeply buried good side that might be uncovered by the power of friendship is a trope that really hits me) and I loved that she is still recognizably herself, with her deeply rooted pride, even while in the process of critically reassessing her worldview and beliefs.
I really want her to find her happy ending and firmly believe that it means reconciling with Jade, Greg and Gina, the direction the story is going showed to me that the writing not only can get there, but has the chops to keep Xici unique charm points through her character development.

Now that she can't use the fact that she is the boss daughter to shift the consequences of the missteps on others I hope that she can step up her game big time. I really hope to se a future where the syndicate is in disarray for the chaos she brought from within using her guile and cunning. Maybe she can even weaponize the fact that Tanya suspects her to put a wedge between the Executioner and the Don.

Finally I'm intrigued by the introduction of Opal, as much as I despise her for hurting Emi and Cath, a good story can be elevated by despicable villains and having one of them with on the same growth shake and with the same growth mechanic of the Army of Amazons is surely a narrative setup ripe for opportunity.

Big thanks to the Don and all the team, I'm looking forward to the new update and I'm already on edge for the trial, I can't afford to fail my favorite little white haired demon while she is in search for redemption!

Hey, many thanks for the bug report and the kind words. Bug with the dancers should be fixed in the next update. Stupid mismatch between position variable and the targeting function.

And yes, Aline might have fought like a lioness to protect the others, even if she barely has any idea how to fight yet ๐Ÿ˜… Considering the whole story arc was originally supposed to be about Stella, we chose to leave Aline out for the finale and give it to Emi and Stella instead (one serious fight with unclear outcome and one "fight" with a very foreseeable outcome as contrasts). Aline will get her own recruitment arc a bit later and then we'll see if plans change mid-writing there too ๐Ÿ˜‰

As for Xici, I had a ton of fun writing the trial. Was a bit of a challenge tying up the game's story while being consistent to the Phoenix Wright format, but boy am I happy with the results. And we have big plans with our little girl in the future ๐Ÿ˜

Which ofc. means we need to built up new villains. Opal's story will continue, maybe as part of Susan's side story. With Don, Tanya, Susan, Albert and Opal we have quite a few characters to make the villain's side of the story hopefully interesting enough too.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the in depth answers, they are really insightful and appreciated.

Based on what I've seen so far I'm feeling pretty confident on the handling of the narrative, the relationship between the Don and Tanya has enticing mysteries, how Tanya gained the trust of the Don and why if she is so ambitious and confident in her invincibility she doesn't even think of defying him, and now also an interesting element of friction since Vittorio still believes Xici shares his same mentality.

Susan is another character I'm looking forward too, in many ways she could be a foil to Xici and follow the inverse path of hers. Her always bowing her head and putting up with the abuse could very well stem from a might make right mentality, where she saw herself as the weak one. 
Now she has become the powerful one, not only because of her new physique, but also of her new bond with Tanya and when she realizes her new position it would be believable for her to start dishing back all the pain she suffered with years of interest on top.

There is a suggestion I wanted to make that I forgot yesterday, which is to have access to the lyrics songs somewhere, maybe on the music player in the main menu.

Other than that I'm back to counting the days to the trial, after your words I'm even more hyped for it!

I like your approach and way of thinking about the villains.. great minds think alike ๐Ÿ˜‰

But there is a music gallery reachable in the main menu...

Or what did you mean what was missing?

Thank you again for answering me.

My suggestion was to have the text of the song on screen while it plays in the music gallery.
I'm not a native English speaker and I have troubles following what the singers are saying when they sing in a language that is not my native one, so that would help me understand the lyrics.

(1 edit)

Ahhh, now I get it. But then it would become obvious how horrible our lyrics are ๐Ÿคฃ
Would have to check in with Nyx first. He made the majority of songs with Suno and see if he has the lyrics still. But I might put it on the list of things to do.


Love the game. Was a bit rough in the beginning not games fault 100% my own fault didn't explore enough, but figured it out after first growth. Played it up to trial so end of update took me over 20 hours ( lost track after 20hr) I'm a slow reader and there's a lot of text but enjoyable text. I have some questions just to make sure I didn't miss anything in the latest update. spoilers if you haven't played it yet. Did all fight's in alley until exclamation marks are gone then did karaoke. had my ribs stolen thought that was funny.

1 Fought frog witch in ally then talked to shop owners mom is that it for now?

2 im at 34/35 gym members that the max this update?

3. Jades growth requirements says help Gina move I did that but its still there will it go away next update? also in roses it said hire new trainer is that next update also?

4 Did intermediate runs with Akari got a haiku and boost and upgraded item is that it or is there another scene with her?

5 affection ratings  I got Stella at 3.5 (loved the scene where she picks Gina up one handed was hoping we would get a fallow up but didn't unless I missed something) Aline at 1.5 jade as just friend ( chose to keep her crush going) Akari at 1 and friend zoned Phil and Mike ( kind of think its implied Gina doesn't swing for guys) anyways is that max I can get them to or did I miss some event along the line 

Again love the game If any of this is to much of a spoiler I can edit/ delete thank you Don for the game

Thanks for the kind words and happy you enjoyed it so far. The game's gotten pretty long already with almost half a million words ๐Ÿ˜…

Post is totally fine, you even mentioned spoilers before giving them. Also... ANSWERS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! BEWARE!!!
1) Yup. Getting the girls tested for their magic potential will be part of update 7.
2) That should be the maximum. Maybe if one REALLY grinds streaming a 35ths joins (but no story scene, just a nameless guy).
3) Jade's maximum is Lvl4 currently. If the moving thing is still there I have to check it and remove it once completed.
4) For now that's it. Intermediate course unlocks the upgraded potions and the first simple dates. Advanced course will probably follow in update 7.
5) No follow up yet ๐Ÿ˜” Last Stella romance scene is the training scene in which Gina basically says "No, we're not fucking before I get my cutesy date first!". And their first proper date will be part of update 7. So the current maximum for affection ratings are: Stella: 3.5 ; Jade: 2.5 ; Aline: 2.5 ; Akari: 1 ; Philipp: 3 (Yup, Gina likes boys too. She very open minded there ๐Ÿ˜… I mean, with how she drools when Handsome Mask appears... also Phils second date has Jade and Stella in it. It's one of my favorite scenes). Oh, and romance route with Mike got dropped due to a Patreon vote. He now belongs to Stella if Gina doesn't pick her.

Thank you for the answers Ill have to fire up a older save to try and get Aline to 2.5 and ill try to do the apartment earlier to see if it registers this time .Thanks again

How can i go to sleep in game, it automatically goes to gym at end of day

Eh? This should not be. Every day has 2 active phases and most actions take up one phase. If an action that requires time is performed on the evening, the game will jump to night automatically. If nothing happens at night or morning, you should still get one line at the hotel, telling you that there is nothing to do and bring you back to the gym.

how can i transfer my game files from an older version (GinasGym v0.4.2.3) into the lastes version without occure any errors? i hadnt chances to play in a while

I dunno, and I donโ€™t think youโ€™re supposed to do that, the new version might have a few variables or code lines that the old version doesnโ€™t have, and vise versa, since the new version is now trying to load something is missing a bunch of data and not supposed to be loading, an error or two is bound to happen. Delete old saves buddy, start new ones

Iโ€™m unable to complete the help jade mission, I talk to Enzi 2 times, and Eline (whatever her name was, Iโ€™m bad with names) and the text says itโ€™s supposed to play the next cut scene automatically but I havenโ€™t seen a thing for a  week , 

Have you been to the dojo since then? I think the last scene of that quest plays automatically on the next dojo visit. If it doesn't I'll have to look into it


This is a really special game. I can't wait for more. :3

Thanks for the kind words :D
Next update will be out pretty soon!

Hi! I tried to load the savegames of the previous version, but unfortunately doesnt work. When playing the game gives multiple errors. Any tip?

Depends on which version the save game was created. Anything before update 6 had an out-dated data structure that got entirely reworked, so in that case it is unfixable. Only thing you can do is use one of the quick start points, one of them taking you to the start of act3.

Where can we find that quick start point

Directly on the new game button. After difficulty and music selection you get right to the screen that lets you choose a starting chapter

Will we get anymore scenes similar to when Stella took muscles from gina?

Hehe... I dropped a few hints here and there to keep my options open for more draining in the future ๐Ÿ˜ 


There is a bug on android when you open stats in combat. Text is not shown correctly (the spacing between lines is wrong).

Thanks, hope we can resolve this. Not very proficient with the differences for Android and PC, but let me see what I can do ๐Ÿ˜–

(1 edit)

Just finished completing the game till the latest update. I have to say, it is unbelievably awesome. There were so many girls with awesome growth stages. I'm particularly anticipating for the growth of Esmeralda from the Brothel, aside from the main female characters like Aline, Gina, Stella, and, of course, can't forget about Rose. There were a few hiccups here and there, and I believe that the story was only easy so far because I'm on the lowest difficulty of the game, but I think even with the financial management (to pay the bank) or fighting the mafia (which is hard at the beginning even on easy mode) in the lowest difficulty, the truly hard and most confusing part of the game was figuring out how to initiate and finish the quests. Based on the quest guides, I can tell I took longer than I should have. For the record, i'm like on 200 to 300 in-game days when I finished the latest update. Still, great job! I've been looking for another FMG game to play since Bayshore Academy is still finishing up on their latest update (safe to say, still not fully released to the public). This definitely fulfilled that desire in my heart. 

Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed our game so far.

And thanks for the feedback too. Maybe we add a difficulty slider in the future for more customizability, since both a "very easy" as well as a "hard mode" was asked so far ๐Ÿ˜…

The quest structure is rather complex admittingly, though that is part of doing an open world. However, the amazing Nyx already wrote a script for a quest guide which will be implemented in the next update. It now shows a step-by-step process in the guide tab, which checks already completed steps.

Nice! Looking forward to it. 


I know I might be alone in this given that this is an FMG project, but I'd love to also see the boys get stronger too.

You're the second one saying it, so you're not entirely alone ๐Ÿ˜…Greg is still the strongest character on the hero's side and Enzi the most skilled, so currently it is the girls that need to catch up ๐Ÿ˜‰

Which character would you like to see getting stronger?


The game has been amazing, and it's been a wonderful experience to see Gina grow stronger and show her strength. Thank you for all your hard work, Don. My only regret is not seeing Gina reach level six. May I ask when it will be presented?

Hi, thanks the kinds words. We are happy to provide :D

Lvl 6 will be part of a small update which feature the trial and Gina's next growth. It will be released between updates 6 and 7 (probably this month).

That's great๏ผ I can't wait to see a stronger Gina

I have already played this game 3 times, because I forgot to save the process and therefore did not finish it. But the game is so enjoyable that after 3 times, it would have been another one. I can't wait for the next update. And I would like to ask the author to add Russian, since I live in Russia and sometimes it is difficult to understand what needs to be done to move on. And so in general, the game is great, I would say that it stands on an equal footing with the FMG novel it is StrongGirls. So good luck to the author with the further development of new versions. Thanks for playing this game. ๐Ÿ‘

Thanks for the kind words.
Translation into other languages is a bit of an issue. There are automated tool to create a base version, but I would need a native speaker to go over the text at least once, since we use a ton of wordplay in English that a translator software will have a rough time getting right.

I can help, as I am a native speaker of Russian. If necessary, I can write an email for communication. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Or I can drop my discord for a more convenient connection.

Yeah, we can keep contact. I'll be very busy the next days with coordinating putting together the current scenes for the trial, but I wouldn't mind trying this translation script after that. You can drop me a mail or Discord, or you join Gina's Discord for easier communication with the other team members ๐Ÿ˜‰


(2 edits)

I joined a band in diskord. In the discord, my name is Neoliz (bibikgav_56375). And here is my mail Write somewhere to get in touch, as soon as you have time.


Ho-lee DAMN! That was an amazing game. Imma be honest, I made an account on this site just to make this comment and give you some praise for the game youโ€™ve made. The story, especially, is something I absolutely did not expect to be this damn good. The first chapter had a brilliant finish, setting the bar quite high for the second chapterโ€ฆ which only delivered and then some! I have never thought that such a seemingly simple game, let alone a fetish game, would leave me tearing up by the end of it. (I brought these tissues for a different reason, not for my eyes, damn it!)

You got some talent going on. Keep up the good work!


I will also give you some feedback because I want this game to get even better in the future (and itโ€™s a long one). Bear in mind I havenโ€™t played the latest update. I joined a couple days before it dropped and the game is long, so you mightโ€™ve fixed some things already. Anyway, get ready for the longest unasked for critique youโ€™ve ever seen.

  1. Consider giving the players a bit of a breather after the end of this chapter. The last part of the story was heavy. Heavy and long and will likely leave the reader exhausted, but wanting more. Unless you force them into doing something simple (like make them focus on training). They will just burn themselves out. It seems like youโ€™re already doing that, but just in case, Iโ€™m writing it here.

  2. The game felt both too fast and too slow at the same time. As D.G. would say, โ€œPace yourself Ginaโ€. During the second chapter, I managed to hit the strength cap way too quickly, before fulfilling any of the secondary requirements. Hell, I havenโ€™t even been to the Dojo yet! So, you can probably imagine how thrilled I was when I had to grind away the next 3 weeks at the dojo without lifting a single dumbbell. Granted, that was caused by my stupidity, but if I had done it, Iโ€™m sure some of the other players would too. Actually, Iโ€™m pretty sure Gina herself wouldโ€™ve done the same.

Then I get to stage 3 and it suddenly feels like I skipped a stage or something. Gina goes from simply trying to prove that she has it in her to be called a Greatarm to outright telling Greg that she will crush any patron who tries to be rude to her and actually crushes a wooden plank against her abdominals. Like what? Jade is practically drooling over how big she is. Like dayum girl, slow down, she merely stopped being called a pipsqueak at the previous stage and now youโ€™re calling her โ€œmassiveโ€?

I seriously feel like there should be one more stage here, like the point when Gina would be considered an โ€œadvanced gym-goerโ€, but not outright massive. Give the player a few breadcrumbs to make them feel like theyโ€™re progressing somewhere. You donโ€™t need to alter the story (maybe move beating Mike here and give Gina a pat on the back from Greg), but give the player some secondary objectives to move them in the right direction. Probably the most difficult part would be generating new imagesโ€ฆ You seem to know quite a lot about working out (considering the lingo youโ€™re using), so I think you know how bloody difficult it is to get abs as a girl. That is to say that stage 2 Gina is already pretty huge. Move those images to the new stage 2.5 and generate a new set of stage 2 images (somewhere between stage 1 and stage 2). This would smoothen out the transition between stages.

A similar problem is at stage 4. If two pages of requirements doesnโ€™t tell you that the stage is overloaded, I donโ€™t know what will.

  1. In a similar vein, a lot of events are hooked up to one another in the story, but not in code. You sometimes get information about something happening before it actually does (Phil coffee event being mentioned to have already happened by the main characters, while I didnโ€™t understand what theyโ€™re even talking about). I know, fixing this stuff is like untangling a pair of headphones and honestly, itโ€™s not even that big of a deal. It doesnโ€™t happen in the main story anyway.

  2. A much bigger issue Iโ€™ve noticed are some missing images causing errors. At stage 4, while exploring the city, during the bobby hammer event, I met Jade who is supposed to show me the proper technique of striking with the hammer, but you probably didnโ€™t expect my horny ass to neglect city exploration until I started looking for Jade clues. The code likely has a changing variable looking up Jadeโ€™s current stage, which is 3, but the programmer didnโ€™t expect me to get here so late, so there are no images for that situation and the game crashes. Besides, the event shouldnโ€™t even fire at this stage of the game as Jade is supposed to be missing.

  3. That brings me to another issue. Gina always hit the strength cap so quickly, I had to practically ignore the gym until I had all the secondary objectives complete. She spent the majority of the game at exhaustion 0โ€ฆ in a game about her being a gym rat. Maybe make the gym more grindy?

  4. Give the player the feeling like theyโ€™re ahead of schedule. Think it was mentioned in the Dr. Richter lab event that Tanya grew as huge as she is IN A YEAR. How about you make it 5? You just set a timer, and a tough one to beat at that. Characters often mention โ€œweeksโ€ or โ€œmonthsโ€ and I often felt like you expected me to be much further than I actually was. When something like this happens, players tend to skip the secondary events and rush the main story. This can devalue the story (It becomes an obstacle keeping you from keeping up with where the creator expects you to be).

  5. Gameplay is a bit undercooked atm, but it has a lot of potential. Imo, it would benefit a lot from a crazy bonus stacking system like the one in Warframe or PoE. You know, stacking motivation, effectivity and various other bonuses to hit crazy numbers that would be needed for some of the late-game strength thresholds. Also, give Gregโ€™s shake some insane buffs and nerf overall strength growth to better represent how much quicker Gina grows compared to everyone else.

  6. HOLY SHIT THAT MUSIC AT THE START BLEW MY FUCKING EARS AWAY. Seriously. Lower the volume to -23 LUFS, stat! Thatโ€™s the loudness standard for podcasts. โ€œBut thatโ€™s not a podcastโ€. I donโ€™t care. I couldnโ€™t even enter the settings before having my ears blown off.

Obviously thereโ€™s a bunch of other, secondary issues. Like some atrociously generated eyes on some of the images, Jadeโ€™s expansion having arm-bending magic, or typos. But I was capable of glossing over most of them. To me, theyโ€™re just a part of a process.

Anyways, I got lost in the sauce. I want to reiterate that you made an amazing game. Hell, it even convinced me to pick up the gym again. Right now I will take a breather, but in a couple weeks I will be back and you can be sure I will write another essay for you (Whether you want it or not).


Many thanks for the kinds words. I'm glad you enjoyed out little game. And I don't mind long ass rants; shows people actually care a lot. So I'll say thanks for the input and I HOPE to get another one๐Ÿ˜

Let me see. Some simple things first:

- Music volume is already lowered as a default, but I can lower it more (no specific LUFS in Renpy available though ๐Ÿ˜…)

- Thank for bringing the high-striker thing with Jade to my attention. I thought I made the event inaccessible if Jade left with Xici already, but apparently I have to check it again.

For some content stuff:

- Lvl 2 was supposed to be the "just slightly bit stronger than a normal guy"-Level ๐Ÿ˜…We gotta progress, if Lvl 6 means breaking the human limit.

- Shakes are OP ๐Ÿ˜…Chars without them can only progress to Lvl1 in the span of the game, but I could make this clearer by tweaking some numbers. Same goes for the requirements. It was mostly balanced around the fact that most quest-goals and side activities can be completed while training on the side, but ofc Lvl.4 with double goals broke that (since we wanted Gina to only surpass Stella after the lab assault).

- The feel of pacing is vastly different from the effectiveness of the playthrough ofc. Some min-maxers reached Lvl4 before the executioner appears, so stuff like weeks or months is more a "middle"-ground thing. The general time-frame is more or less set in the skip functions, so reaching Lvl.5 took Gina canonically 4 months (ofc. then she gets some new bonuses to speed things up ๐Ÿ˜)

Oh, just to be clear, I value your input A LOT. Me explaining is not meant as a defence or to debase valid critique. I just like discussing things and give insight in our process.

Oh no worries, I canโ€™t see the progress behind the scenes. Thanks for clarifying some things a bit.

I am used to having my ears blown up by these games. But this one was so loud it was literally painful. Loudness Units are used in studios. Really, itโ€™s just a fancy way of saying dBs. You can measure it in Audacity in Amplitude Statistics. Measured the Ginaโ€™s Gym.mp3 file, itโ€™s -12.35 dB (flexing my college skills, I know), or roughly 3.5 times the volume of a podcast.

I actually thought you would shift all of the stages a bit. More stages, same size, same story. Just gameplay changes to give the player some feeling of progression. You probably wouldnโ€™t even need to generate more pics tbh, but it would be nice.

And I know shakes are OP. I can see it in story. What I meant is some actual written number to make the player realize just how busted they are. Gina grows about 4x as fast anyone else, so imagine just a simple text under the shake of โ€œquadruples your strength gainโ€. It doesnโ€™t need to actually do it, just make the player think it does it.

โ€œmiddleโ€ground risks half of the people feeling stuck behind the schedule. Say โ€œshouldnโ€™t be more than a monthโ€ instead of โ€œa couple weeksโ€, โ€œnot even half a yearโ€ instead of โ€œa couple monthsโ€. It means the same thing, but gives the player wider time frame.

(Also, โ€œour little gameโ€ is like Bobby saying โ€œlittle Ginaโ€ lol)

Think I will reword some time paragraphs. You're right there, feeling behind in progress is not appealing.

More stages without visual growth might upset other players though ๐Ÿ˜… Can you imagine people's reaction when I said in the early stages of development that I only envisioned a visual growth every second level? Oh boy...
But we kind of want to rework the training function to show some numbers on the lifts, so there would be noticeable improvement even inside of the same level as the weights on the lifts would rise.

(1 edit)

Yeahโ€ฆ youโ€™re right. They wouldnโ€™t. I am just throwing out ideas. You donโ€™t need to make the change at all if people wouldnโ€™t like it.

I felt like a stage was missing, so I thought an entirely new stage would be good, but realized it would be too much work. A fake stage, as you said, wouldnโ€™t work either. Maybe a checkpoint system? Dunno how you would implement it, but it would be perfect for squeezing in more requirements (not the stage 4 โ€œcheckpointโ€).

Am I missing something?

With the new update, I started a fresh run through and wanted to see if there was any difference in the "helping Stella grow" quest so didn't take the strength potion for Gina after purchasing the potion set from Lucia. When I get to meet Stella and offer her help, I'm still only presented with offering the transfer potion even though that wasn't in my inventory. The hints section suggests that we can offer her the potion set or the transfer potion, has anyone been able to do anything differently?

Should be working as indented. Transfer potion is part of the potion set after all. The quest accepts both the full potion set or just the remaining potion to make it less hard to initialize.


Thanks Don, was just making sure I hadn't missed a different story path.

Not reached the new material yet but very much looking forward to it ๐Ÿ˜ 



Another triumph of an update.  I reached all the apparent unblocked strength progress goals (just got Jade to lvl 4 after she talked to Aline), but Aline seems stuck on level 3 despite having unblocked progress to advance.  Am I missing something?  Thanks.


Thanks :D
Yeah, Aline is a bit hidden admittingly. Her growth scene happens in the park, just like Rose's.
Think we will place quest markers on growth scenes next update like we did with the raids and exploration.


How to find dr richter?

Hey, you need to have fought the quest-mob at the alley (Giantarm-Bro), after that you need to speak to Cath and Akari. The last step at the bureau if only available if you also have 3/4 quest progress on finding Jade, as it will head straight to the finale of the act.

(2 edits)

Are the bros in Japanese clothes the Giatarm bros? Cuz dude I beat the heck out of those guys to complete the โ€œfight the mobโ€ quest and didnโ€™t look at their surnames before checking out the Dr richter and seeing that you have to talk to Mike before beating them the crap out. 

Situation summary (cuz I wrote stuff thatโ€™s hard to understand last time.) Beat the Japanese bros before talking to Mike (the guides said talk to Mike before going to rage and beating the bros but I forgot to read it and did it the other way around), is that a concern? If itโ€™s not, then what do I do next, where do I get the pills?

No concern. Japanese guys are not the ones in question.

Once you talked to Mike a new option gets available at the streets. Next to the bosses there is a button that lets you start a raid on Genovanno territory. The bros are there to find and marked with a quest symbol

Thanks, I thought I have to start a new save again.

In android version it is impossible to see quest guides text fully especially for the quests with longer text.


Thanks for telling me. Think I know a way to fix this and will try to implement it hopefully in the next version

Question: I wanna get the strength potion back after I drank it to see the Stella strength potion interaction but for some reason no matter how much I return to the scene I drank the potion or completely restart the game, I canโ€™t get the strength potion back (yes when you buy Luciaโ€™s potion in a new game after restarting she only gives you the transfer potion) how do I get it back? Do I have to delete all the saves? Or manipulate the files?

Really? You get the transfer potion on a completly fresh save?

Normally when you drink the strength potion, the transfer potion should remain (which is enough to trigger Stella's scene). Didn't have any issues before and the code is really old ๐Ÿ˜…
Did I understand the issue correctly? You're stuck with not being able to complete Stella's growth?

no itโ€™s I want the strength potion scene not Stellaโ€™s growth I can grow Stella but kinda want to see the strength potion scene though (and also wanna see Ginaโ€™s sucking people and whatโ€™s it like)

Think there is no way to get the strength potion back. If the Stella arc started that scene is skipped by then.

when I can get new update. I can't wait(smile

Hopefully by the end of the year. Playtesting will be starting in a week, so I just hope for few bugs to fix

is there any possibility about gina to have an evil route?

or any possible romance with bad guys like the executioner, susan or even don himself?

i know probably it isn't planned. just asking out of curiosity.

although it will be cool if there is any possibility.

especially it would be a waste of all the hints about the possibility of gina joining dark side.

or simply because dark side cool.

although i understand if it doesn't worth it development wise.


Sorry, probably won't happen. Light side for life ๐Ÿ˜…
As interesting as the prospect of an evil Gina would be, I find it both hard to write (as Gina has been described as a big muffin, even on dominant route she always chose right over wrong) and a huge effort. My current plan is to rather reduce romance routes (hence why a few of the guys got cut) and deliver updates faster.


A downer but quiet understandable.

keep up the good work.


Question, Are the romance routes optional? I'm not into dudes after all.

But side note, I love the game so far

Thanks for the kind words.
All romance is optional up to this point (maybe Phil may be needed for the full harem ending much later ๐Ÿ˜…), but we're only really getting started on romance in the next updates.

Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you

This has been a surprising game in many ways. Lots of heartfelt moments with some funny dialogue and a heartwarming story. It may not be my main fetish but I've still had a great time with it!

So I'm wondering what characters are you planning for the romance? It seems like the main 4 guys... but the girls feature prominently as well and there are some hints Gina might be bi... but then Devil Gina seems to exclusively focus on men for the most part... but then there's a few lines like the ones with the massage lady. So I'm mostly just curious. 


Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.

As for romance, I was open to all kinds of relationships, yet I also felt overwhelmed with the sheer amount of possible paths as the cast continued to grow. A vote on Patreon gave me a good overview on which romance path were most wished for (mostly the girls ๐Ÿ˜… Stella and Jade ranked pretty high, as did Philipp being the top guy by far).

So far we have the girls (yes, all 4...) as well as Phil 100% confirmed. But then there is also Mike x Stella, Enzi x Jade and maybe Gina x Jonathan... 

Fair enough. I think personally Enzi was the most fun male character to interact with (excluding Bobby XD) and I'm not sure I have a favourite girl yet. I'm sort of treading water a bit as I catch up on events and stuff at around Day 70. I have not been prioritising MSQ stuff so I need to do that now.

I'm struggling pretty hard to beat the first boss! Any tipps?

Hi, I have some video guides on combat basics on my Discord under the "guides" section.

Generally, a good approach is to switch the assassin to Stella's spot with "Tug of War" and focus him down before the first Heal. Cancel the Assbringer's special skills with block-breaks often and stack damage skills. A double whip into a broken enemy can deal devastating damage. Good luck on pummelling the guy.

(2 edits) (-1)

hi, first of all, it's an amazing game, I love it.

But I have a problem with the sound not working in the game. I tried to see if it's a problem with my PC, but the sound works. Any advice?

Hi, thanks for the kind words. And no, the issue is probably not on your end ๐Ÿ˜…
Apart from the two song (intro and start of act 3), we currently have no music in the game. I found a helper who is currently on the task, but as of now, there is only silence.

Oh ๐Ÿ˜… ok. Thank you for reply. I love it anyway. I cannot wait to get another stage of Gina, so I play it and I can't stop. Very nice visuals. 

if a new update comes then can i use my save from current version

Nope, we are doing a massive restructure of the old variable system (cause it was literally my first attempt at coding and it SUCKED, making things really hard to build on further), meaning save-games will be null and void again. We will have a new starting point at the start of act 3 though.

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